When companies strive to operate
within the paradigm of the
generally accepted concept of
"Intelligent Field", in addition to
restructuring organizational
structure, changes in business
processes, redistribution of
responsibilities, changes in the KPI
system, a digital platform is often
considered as a tool to achieve the
goals of this program. A suitable
tool that has proven itself in the
market is OIS UFAM (Upstream
Field Activity Management)

Цифровой помощник в режиме онлайн распределяет спецтехнику
с учетом производственных задач,
в том числе по добыче нефти, текущему и капитальному
ремонту скважин
The main levers that increase
efficiency and quality of work
when working with a digital
platform are

When companies strive to operate within the paradigm of the generally accepted concept of "Intelligent Field", in addition to restructuring organizational structure, changes in business processes, redistribution of responsibilities, changes in the KPI system, a digital platform is often considered as a tool to achieve the goals of this program. A suitable tool that has proven itself in the market is OIS UFAM (Upstream Field Activity Management)
The main levers that increase efficiency and quality of work when working with a digital platform are
Visualization of the implementation of the activities of the integrated plan on an interactive map
Automatic comprehensive analysis of the well stock during the selection and planning of activities (potential, reserves, development analysis, technology, geology, etc.)
Evaluation of various versions of the integrated plan with the calculation of the production forecast on the integrated model
Work in a single information space
for specialists of different
functional areas in the process of
planning and performing activities
on the well stock
Work in a single information space for specialists of different functional areas in the process of planning and performing activities on the well stock
Additional extraction provided by the wellwork measures is 8113 tons a year
The IA OIS algorithm containning over 340 steps, from initial data analysis to the final wellwork list generation reduces labor input on wellwork measure selection fourfold (from 120 to 30 minutes)
Assessment of the potential for the implementation of the digital OIS UFAM platform showed a cumulative effect of about 780 thousand barrels of o. e. or 1.59 billion Rubles a year
When implementing the solution in one of the largest companies, the following assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of solutions was carried out:
When implementing the solution in one of the largest companies, the following assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of solutions was carried out: