Upon completion of the project, the following results were achieved:
Enterprises and organizations
carrying out the assessment,
exploration and development of
hydrocarbon deposits are obliged
to submit state statistical reports
in the form No. 6-gr (oil, gas,
components), they are liable in
accordance with the Law of the
Russian Federation "On Liability
for Breach of the State Statistical
Reports Submitting Procedure"
The geography of activities of key market players is extensive and often includes foreign assets
The system provides the ability to maintain all types of information used in accounting for the state and movement of resources and reserves of oil, gas and related components according to the Russian classification: attributive, documentary, cartographic
Enterprises and organizations carrying out the assessment, exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits are obliged to submit state statistical reports in the form No. 6-gr (oil, gas, components), they are liable in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Liability for Breach of the State Statistical Reports Submitting Procedure"
Цифровой помощник в режиме онлайн распределяет спецтехнику
с учетом производственных задач,
в том числе по добыче нефти, текущему и капитальному
ремонту скважин
In addition to that, the OIS RESERVES allows companies to independently assess their reserves and their value according to international standards.
Therefore, the system was also successfully implemented in one of the largest public vertically integrated oil and gas companies in the world, which accounts for more than 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves
In this regard, it is very problematic to unify and automate the processes of collecting, processing and storing an array of data (including historical information) on the state and movement of resources and reserves of hydrocarbons and related components
In accordance with the Russian legislation, one of the largest oil production companies developed and implemented the OIS Reserves information system to address the following tasks:
Support of the company's activities in the field of analysis and assessment of the state of the mineral resource base in a single information space;
Generation of annual corporate reports, balances of reserves and resources of hydrocarbons and related components, including the form of state statistical reporting (6-GR);
OIS Reserves has tenfold
increased the speed of
generation and printing of the
federal state observation form
No. 6-GR for accounting
reserves of oil, combustible gas
and their components, having
improved the quality of the initial
data, including through their
control at the stage of their
entering into the system
In addition to that, the OIS RESERVES allows companies to independently assess their reserves and their value according to international standards.
Therefore, the system was also successfully implemented in one of the largest public vertically integrated oil and gas companies in the world, which accounts for more than 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves
OIS Reserves has tenfold increased the speed of generation and printing of the federal state observation form No. 6-GR for accounting reserves of oil, combustible gas and their components, having improved the quality of the initial data, including through their control at the stage of their entering into the system