of the Asset's Production Control Center
The most significant prerequisites for a project on developing a target model for a Production Control Center (MCC) are as follows:

Development of the Target Model of the Asset's Production Control Center
Development of the Target Model
The most significant prerequisites for a project on developing a target model for a Production Control Center (MCC) are as follows:
Availability of potential
Potential for improving
Revolutionary technologies
Technologies of the "Digital Field"
to increase efficiency and reduce oil production costs through the introduction of intelligent control technologies
the current Asset production management system through physical and process integration of units and participant people
allowing to accelerate collection and processing of information about the operation of the well stock and surface infrastructure, to manage the system from one operational center and remotely
an integrated operations center (IOC) is being deployed in the corporate center of the compan which is designed to oversee production management centers in subsidiaries
Goals, tasks, functionality, powers, interface and KPIs of the PCC and CIO
Completed work
The roles of the PCC/CIO in
terms of organizing compliance
with Industrial Safety have
been determined.
Stage 2
Key KPIs for the Asset's PCC and CIO have been identified;
The interface of the PCC with
the Economics and Finance Unit
has been described (in the
relevant part);
Transition plan and replication approach
Stage 4
The Asset was diagnosed for the requirements of the "Intelligent Field" program;
Preliminary plan for the transition to the target model of each Russian Asset Exploration and Production business unit was developed;
Benefits from the implementation of the PCC in the asset have been formulated. The analysis of the risks of introducing a new management model and the possibility of their mitigation has been carried out;
Goals, tasks, functionality, powers and interface of the PCC (at Level 3) with the subdivisions of the subsidiary are described;
The future vision of the Asset has been determined, taking into account the emergence of the PCC;
Maps of typified production management processes were developed in the Asset with PCC (at Level 3);
Requirements as to the infrastructure, employees and information support of the PCC were determined;
Goals, objectives, functionality and powers of the CIO are described (at Level 3), CIO interface with other units of the Exploration and Production BU;
Analysis of industry practices. The development of the target model of the PCC
The optimal set of functionality, tools and competencies for the creation of a target model of the PCC/CIO has been determined.
Stage 1
Experience of Russian and foreign industry practices in the organization and use of similar structures/divisions was analyzed;
Monitoring of the current stage and features of the implementation of the launch of the PCC in the "pilot" Assets was carried out, the lessons learned were formulated;
PCC Toolkit
Stage 3
Requirements as to the MCC toolkit have been developed;
Consolidated functional and technical requirements as to software and hardware solutions of the PCC have been developed.
An interface has been formed and the process of interaction between the PCC and the Information Center is described (at Level 3);
The interface of the PCC with the Economics and Finance Unit has been described (in the relevant part);
The roles of the PCC/CIO in terms of organizing compliance with Industrial Safety have been determined.
An interface has been formed and
the process of interaction between
the PCC and the Information
Center is described (at Level 3);
Criteria and rules for replicating the target model of the PCC for new Assets in the BU portfolio were developed.
Preparation for the IT project kickoff.
The business concept of the
Asset's Production Control
Center as a basis for the
development of implementation
initiatives at the following stages:

The business concept of the Asset's Production Control Center as a basis for the development of implementation initiatives at the following stages:
Development of regulations, preparation for the implementation of the PCC software and hardware, preparation of organizational changes in the Assets;
Integration of the PCC concept into the broader Intelligent Field project;
Results of the work
Values ​​of the Project Implementation
Resource consolidation, release of qualified specialists for re-profiling their activities for the key initiatives of the Company
Resource consolidation, release of qualified specialists for re-profiling their activities for the key initiatives of the Company
Transition to integrated planning
of measures to ensure optimal
technological conditions and
maintain technical condition of
the system. Minimization of
"emergency" steps and repeated
stops of equipment
Transition to integrated planning of measures to ensure optimal technological conditions and maintain technical condition of the system. Minimization of "emergency" steps and repeated stops of equipment
Potential for achieving a balance of priorities when making decisions on fund management: maximizing production volumes vs economic efficiency
Allocation of medium-term
modeling and analytics
functionality. Specialization in the
preparation of optimal tactical
solutions for fund management

Allocation of medium-term modeling and analytics functionality. Specialization in the preparation of optimal tactical solutions for fund management